
Corporate Governance System

The Company adopts an audit & supervisory board system, where its compliance management is founded on strict audits carried out by Audit & Supervisory Board members to ensure the legality of the Company's activities. Based on such policy, the Company will strengthen its monitoring and advisory functions by appointing more than one (1) external director in the Board of Directors.
By adopting a system of supervisory and executional officers in charge of specific operations and clarifying responsibilities and delegating authority, we have created a system for the proactive and expeditious execution of operations.

  1. 1 Board of Directors' Meeting

    The Board of Directors is comprised of directors and makes decisions regarding important business execution matters based on a corporate philosophy and corporate planning in addition to supervising the execution of business by directors, managing executive officers, CxOs, and executive officers. Representative Director and Chairman serves as Chair.

  2. 2Audit & Supervisory Board

    The Audit & Supervisory Board is comprised of Audit & Supervisory Board members, who attend important meetings, such as Board of Directors and Group Management Council meetings. Audit & Supervisory Board members also exchange information with the Accounting Audit and Internal Audit Division and audit the business execution of directors, etc. through hearing of each division and affiliated company.
    An Audit & Supervisory Board member serves as Chair.

  3. 3Nominating Committee

    The Nominating Committee is comprised of the Representative Director and external directors. It is established as an advisory body to the Board of Directors in order to ensure fairness and transparency of the process when determining candidates for directors, Audit & Supervisory Board members, managing executive officers, and CxOs. This committee advises the Board of Directors on proposals regarding candidates for director, Audit & Supervisory Board member, managing executive officer, and CxO.
    An external director serves as Chair.

  4. 4Compensation Committee

    The Compensation Committee is comprised of the Representative Director and external directors. It is established as an advisory body to the Board of Directors in order to ensure transparency and fairness of the process when determining officers’ compensations. This committee advises the Board of Directors on policies regarding compensation for directors and managing executive officers.
    An external director serves as Chair.

  5. 5Group Management Council

    The Management Council comprises directors, Audit & Supervisory Board members, managing executive officers, and CxOs, and functions as a forum for reviewing and monitoring management plans and strategies from a group-wide perspective, resolving issues related to the promotion of group management, as well as check and supervise business execution from a medium- to long-term perspective. The Representative Director & President Executive Officer serves as Chair.

  6. 6Management Council by business

    The Management Council convenes for each “Japan Business,” “Indonesia Business” and “Overseas Business” in order to promote discussions to resolve issues related to each business. The Management Council comprises the managing executive officers, CxOs and executive officers of each business and performs decision-making processes and reporting related to the execution of business under of the management strategy mainly for the applicable fiscal year, with the aim of responding swiftly to changes in the business environment. It is chaired by the COO of each business.

  7. 7Sustainability Committee

    The Sustainability Committee is comprised primarily of directors, Audit & Supervisory Board members, managing executive officers, and CxOs. While developing our approach for promoting the sustainability of the Mandom Group and holding discussions with relevant departments at committee meetings and other meetings, this committee is strengthening our efforts to contribute to the sustainable development of society. The President Executive Officer & Director serves as Chair.

Attending Members for Meetings of the Board of Directors, the Audit & Supervisory Board and Other Committees

The Board of Directors, Audit & Supervisory Board, and optional committees consist of the following members.

(As of June 21, 2024)
Name Age the
Board of
Audit &
Attendance (FY2022)
Board of
Audit &
Representative Director Motonobu Nishimura 73 12/13 -
Representative Director Ken Nishimura 42 13/13 -
Director Shinichiro Koshiba 60 13/13 -
Director Koichi Watanabe 58 - *1 -
External Director Hitoshi Tanii 52 13/13 -
External Director Mami Ito 56 10/10*2 -
External Director Tetsuro Harada 58 - *1 -
Audit & Supervisory
Board Member
Takeshi Hibi 64 13/13 17/17
Audit & Supervisory
Board Member
Yasuaki Kameda 62 13/13*3 - *1
External Audit & Supervisory Board Member Mikiharu Mori 47 13/13 17/17
External Audit & Supervisory Board Member Motohiro Tanaka 63 - - *1

indicates the chair; indicates a member.

*1 Appointed and assumed post at the Shareholders Meeting in June 2024.
*2 Appointed and assumed post at the Shareholders Meeting in June 2023.
*3 Resigned from the Board of Directors at the Shareholders Meeting in June 2024.