Specified Activities Policy
- Environmental Policies
- Quality Assurance Policy
- Human Rights Policy
- Purchasing Policy
- Health and Productivity Management Policy
- Occupational Health and Safety Policy
- Corporate Information Policy
- Disclosure Policy
- Privacy Policy
- Specified Personal Information Policy
- Social Media Policy
- R&D Policy
- Production Policy
- Sales Policy
- International Business Policy
- BCP Policy
Environmental Policies
It is our sincere hope to instill OYAKUDACHI, a contribution towards a comfortable life, for our consumers, our community, and the preservation of the global environment, through the actions of our business. We have always been environmentally conscious in daily operations at Mandom, and it came into fruition in August 1999, in the form of the establishment of the Mandom Environmental Philosophy and Fundamental Environmental Policy. Also, our Fukusaki Factory set its "Environmental Policy". It was certified to ISO 14001 in November 2000. Subsequently, in June 2020, the Mandom Group revised its environmental policies with the aim of addressing diversifying environmental issues and is continuing to promote environmental activities.
The Mandom Group's Environmental Policies
The Mandom Group, based on its corporate philosophy, recognizes that environmental issues are a common issue for all humankind, and strives to understand the environmental impact of the entire value chain through its business activities. We will strive to realize a sustainable society by creating value through our core business, while cooperating with society to fulfil its wishes.
Initiatives for Climate Change
We will promote initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the value chain with the aim of transitioning to a carbon-free society. -
Initiatives for biodiversity
We seek to accurately understand the effects on biodiversity in our value chain and promote initiatives to avoid and reduce that impact. -
Initiatives for resource conservation and recycling
We will promote initiatives to conserve resources such as energy and water used in our business activities, and to reuse them to realize a circular economy. -
Initiatives for eco-friendliness in products and services
We place eco-friendliness as one of our product values and promote efforts to create value that empathizes with society in accordance with the Mandom Group Eco-Friendliness Product Standards. -
Compliance with laws and social norms
We will comply with environmental laws and regulations and strive to actively respond to social norms and wishes, in line with a philosophy of Social Responsibility & Sustainability. -
Promotion of environmental communication
We will share this policy with the public and actively promote the disclosure of environmental information as we strive to promote communication with stakeholders. -
Effort as individuals
Each Mandom member will work to protect the environment by taking actions such as conserving resources, reducing waste and using recycled products, not just as an organized part of corporate activities but also as an integrated part of daily life as one individual consumer.
Fukusaki Factory Environmental Policy
The Company's Fukusaki Factory will undertake activities in accordance with the Fukusaki Factory Environmental Policy with full participation from all members. We will produce OYAKUDACHI towards creating a sustainable society by understanding the environmental impact of our production and business activities, involving all employees and members of the plant.
- We seek to accurately understand the effects of our factory operations on the environment, and set, implement, and regularly review environmental targets within our technical and economic capabilities in the effort to continually improve our environmental conservation.
In our factory operations we aim to reduce environmental load and help create a more sustainable society
through activities that focus on the following areas:
- Saving energy and reducing greenhouse gas (CO2) emissions by 26% in FY2027 (over the FY 2013 level)
- Working to achieve zero landfill disposal ("Zero Waste Emissions")
- Reducing the volume of industrial waste
- Conserving local environments by preventing wastewater risks
- We will strive to comply with environmental regulations, uphold agreements with the community and stakeholders, and prevent pollution.
- We will strive to make every one of our employees aware of their role in following this environmental policy in their daily actions.
Quality Assurance Policy
In providing quality assurance for cosmetics and quasi-drugs, we at the Mandom Group work in accordance with our Quality Assurance Policy to assure fully satisfactory quality as demanded by consumers in every scene from purchase to end of use. We take measures to improve the quality of our products and services at every stage, from planning, design and development, production, shipping and consumer service.
The Mandom Group's Quality Assurance Policy
Guided by our corporate philosophy and Mandom Principles (KohDoh), we at the Mandom as a "human-oriented" company will always closely interact and respond to consumers, addressing their needs as a human-oriented company. The basic principle of our quality assurance is to win consumer trust. For this, we will continue to pursue the best quality we can provide by creating Mandom's "Possessing unique strengths in specialized (only one)" products and services that consumers will love and enjoy.
Providing safety and reassurance
Based on the principle of "Consumer-led Lifestyle Value Creation", We will always adopt the consumer's viewpoint and engage in unwavering quality improvement efforts and proactive information communication. -
Developing human resources in quality assurance and creating value
We will enhance individual member's capabilities so that we can strive to create products and services that satisfy consumer wants and that consumers will love and enjoy as "the only one." -
Instilling the quality management system
From a global perspective, we will continue to diffuse the quality management system thoroughly to Active Employee Engagement, and with their participation, we will engage in improvement actions that can step up the system's effectiveness. -
Complying with laws and social norms
Under our Social Responsibility & Sustainability, we will comply with legislation and constantly review socially accepted standards so that we respond proactively to social norms and requirements.
Human Rights Policy
We at the Mandom Group recognize that our business activities must only exist on the basis of our respect
for human rights.
We have adopted and will implement the following Human Rights Policy so that we can promote action in
respect of the human rights of all Mandom employees and their families, trading partners and all others
involved in the supply chain as well as production operations upstream, consumers and all other stakeholders
relating to the Mandom Group.
Basic Stance on Human Rights
We support and respect international norms relating to human rights including the International Bill of Human Rights stipulated by the United Nations on the basic human rights of all people, the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
As a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, the Company supports the ten basic principles of the Compact.
The Mandom Group will comply with the laws of the nations and regions where we conduct our business activities. If laws or rules in the nations or regions conflict with the international principles on human rights, we will comply with the local laws while pursing methods of respecting the internationally accepted basic human rights principles. -
Respect of Stakeholder Human Rights and Promotion of Diversity
We respect all the diverse values, individualities and privacy of stakeholders relating to our corporate activities as we promote diversity.
We will not discriminate under any circumstance against any person on reasons of race, nationality, ethnicity, sex, age, origin, religion, education, physical characteristics, disability, health condition, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
We will strive to create a workplace environment where employees can work safely with reassurance, energy and in full mental and physical health, where there is mutual trust and where common sense prevails.
We will eliminate any discrimination, violence or harassment in the workplace. -
Due Diligence in the Supply Chain
We will follow the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and identify the negative impact on human rights relating to the business conducted by the Mandom Group and will engage in action that prevents or reduces such negative impact.
If due diligence action on human rights uncovers any occurrence or furtherance of negative impact on human rights, we will strive to take appropriate and effective remedial action.
If our products or services are directly linked to a negative impact on human rights due to our trading partnerships, we recognize the possible need to take corrective action. -
Dialog and Discussion with Stakeholders
In our activities relating to negative impact on business and human rights, we will engage experts from outside the Company and we will provide opportunities and engage in dialog and discussion with relevant stakeholders, with respect and sincerity. -
Reporting System
Any employee recognizing the possibility of violation of laws and rules that apply in the countries and regions of our operation or the infringement of human rights rules and other in-house regulations can use the internal reporting system to report such violations.
We also have set up a reporting contact where external stakeholder can report any violation of our Human Rights Policy or any risk of violation. -
Education and Training
We will deliver continuous education to employees so that correct knowledge about respect for human rights can be fully diffused and understood throughout the Mandom Group. -
Information Disclosure
We will disclose the progress and results of our human rights actions on the Company website and through other means.
Purchasing Policy
We at the Mandom Group have adopted the following Purchasing Policy and will implement it in order to pursue fair and transparent business practices to the fullest extent.
- We strive to achieve fairness, honesty and transparency in all transactions based on the principles of mutual equality, respect for independence, and free competition, regardless of nationality, business record or size of business. In choosing our trading partners, we will take overall consideration including their effort input into sustainable technology development capacity and environmental protection, respect for human rights and management attitudes towards sustainability and social responsibility while balancing our judgements on our assessment of the quality, technology, price, delivery and stability of supply that they can assure.
- Our shared goals are OYAKUDACHI and safety and reassurance to consumers. To this end, we will work with our trading partners by engaging in mutual learning and development as well as close communication so that we can build a business partnership of harmony and mutual prosperity.
- We will contribute to the sustainable development of the society that surrounds us and the global world. Through collaboration with our trading partners, we will reduce environmental impact in all our activities involving design, production and distribution of our products and services.
- In undertaking our international business operations, we will act as a local company to enhance OYAKUDACHI to our local stakeholders. We will promote local production and local purchasing.
- We will fully understand and comply with Japanese and foreign laws and rules in order to engage in honest and fair purchasing activities.
Health and Productivity Management Policy
We at the Mandom Group will promote health and productivity management, removing anxieties about health from the minds of employees and their families so that our human resources, the very basic foundation of the Company's management, can work at their full capability with reassurance. This is an essential effort in achieving VISION2027.
- Every Mandom Group employee strongly will be aware of the importance of maintaining and enhancing the health of himself or herself and all family members and will engage in KohDoh Practices as a self-disciplined and self-regulating Mandom Group member who can work at their best every day.
- The Company will prioritize the health and productivity management of employees and their families. Through health and productivity management, we will implement action to promote health in a wide context, supporting the maintenance and enhancement of good health for employees and their families.
- We will support and promote the improvement of employees' health literacy and create a safe and reassuring workplace so that we become a company where all employees can become valuable resources who work with motivation and can engage in total participation in corporate activities.
Health and Productivity Management is a management approach in which enterprises focus on and strategically implement action towards promoting their employees' health from a management perspective, based on the concept that employees being able to work in good health enhances corporate value.

Occupational Health and Safety Policy
Mandom Group Occupational Health and Safety Policy
We at the Mandom Group place top priority on the safety and health of all employees and their families. We
will engage in activities in line with the Mandom Group Occupational Health and Safety Policy in our effort
to realize a workplace environment where employees feel safe and reassured.
We are committed to actions in aid of a creating the Company's Health management and will form a health and
productivity management system to promote the good health of our employees and their families.
- We will put top priority on the safety and health of all people who work for the Mandom Group and their families.
- We will comply with all laws that concern labor. We will create a proper system and in-house rules with the aim of realizing a safe and healthy workplace environment.
- We will identify and analyze the facts and causes of accidents and disasters in order to help prevent recurrence, and we will thereby eliminate any occupational accidents and remove and reduce potential risks of such accidents.
- We will take proactive action to support employees suffering personal illness or injuries including mental health issues and diseases.
Fukusaki Factory Occupational Health and Safety Policy
Mandom Corporation Fukusaki Factory will place top priority within the scope of its operational activities on ensuring the health and safety of all those who work in the factory and will build a healthy and safe working environment where employees can work with reassurance. To this end, the Fukusaki Factory will conduct activities with the participation of all employees in accordance with the Mandom Group Occupational Health and Safety Policy.
- In our business activities we will place top priority on the health and safety of all workers.
- We will not only comply with laws and social norms relating to occupational health and safety but also strictly adhere to in-house rules so that we can create a safe and healthy workplace.
- We will give all employees opportunities for education and training needed to ensure health and safety and will proactively provide such education and training.
- We will create a workplace that is open and responsive by instilling the practice of reporting, contacting and consultation. Through the ingenuity and effort of each individual worker, we will aim to create a safe and healthy workplace.
- We will conduct continuous risk assessments to eliminate danger and potential harm, aiming to achieve zero disaster and zero risk.
- We will create a system that promotes health and safety activities. We will clearly assign responsibility and authority, continuously improve on shortcomings in health and safety issues and improve the standards of health and safety management.
Corporate Information Policy
We at the Mandom Group will engage in two-way corporate information activities and will promote and diffuse thorough understanding about the business activities that we undertake as a human-oriented company that respects sensibilities, imagination and creativity which human beings possess. We will become a company that our stakeholders can trust and rely on and will strive to enhance our corporate value.
We will proactively provide information and strive to maintain and improve sound and healthy partnerships
with all our stakeholders and strive to be accountable for information we disclose.
Information disclosure to shareholders and investors will be made appropriately in accordance with the Discloser Policy as set out separately.
- We will proactively hold public hearings to receive consumer, media and other feedback from society and will treat these with sincerity in order to reflect these views positively in our corporate information activities.
Disclosure Policy
Mandom Corporation ("the Company") has adopted the following Disclosure Policy.
Basic Policy on Disclosure
The Company will act in compliance with the Japanese Government's Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and all other relevant legislation as well as the rules set out by the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) in its Policy Statement on Timely Disclosure. We will disclose corporate information in a fair and just manner using timely and proper means. Furthermore, even if the information does not come under the governance of legislation and regulations, if we deem the information to be useful to our shareholders and investors, we will proactively disclose such information. -
Method of Disclosure
In compliance with legislation and regulations, the Company will disclose information using such means as the Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet) provided by TSE and at the same time will also disclose information swiftly via the Company website. Useful information not under the governance of legislation and regulations will be swiftly disclosed through means such as news releases and the Company website. -
Silent Period
To prevent leaks of financial results information and to ensure fairness of information disclosure, the Company will designate a Silent Period between the day following the settling day of each quarter and the announcement day of financial results inclusive. During the Silent Period, no comment or response to queries will be made by the Company. However, should any event arise during this period that requires timely disclosure, we will follow the timely disclosure rules and make a disclosure. In addition, even during the Silent Period, we will respond to queries concerning information that is already in the public domain. -
Future Outlook
Among the information that the Company discloses, the information concerning forecasts such as plans, outlook and strategies is being produced on the basis of information available at the time of disclosure and is subject to being at variance with actual financial performance due to factors such as risks and uncertainties. -
Information Imparted by Third Parties
The Company shall accept no liability from any forecast or comment made by third parties concerning the Mandom Group.
Privacy Policy
Mandom Corporation ("the Company") provides customers with products and services under our Mission Statement "Mandom is a human-oriented company. Guided by our original concepts of Health, Cleanliness & Beauty, we reach boldly beyond the norm to bring wonder and inspiration to people's everyday lives." To deliver OYAKUDACHI so that customers can live in comfort with peace of mind, we take it to be our social responsibility to accurately and appropriately handle personal information that the Company holds and we have adopted and will comply with the following Privacy Policy.
Acquisition, Use and Supply of Information
When acquiring personal information, the Company will specify the purpose of use insofar as possible and will use the information appropriately within the scope of the consent obtained. We will not handle the information beyond the scope of specification purpose (for purposes not specified). If a need arises to use the personal information beyond the scope of the initial purpose, we will give prior notification of the purpose of use and will obtain further consent.
Unless required by law, we will not disclose or supply personal information to a third party without prior consent from the individual concerned. -
Compliance with Law and Regulations
When handling personal information that the Company holds, the Company will comply with applicable laws, guidelines stipulated by the government and the Company's own regulations. We will comply with and implement this Privacy Policy and the Personal Information Protection Management System that we have adopted. -
Security Measures
The Company will adopt appropriate security measures to prevent any leak, loss or damage of personal information. Should any issue arise, we will act swiftly to rectify the situation. -
Complaints and Enquiries
The Company has a helpdesk to receive complaints or enquiries from individuals whose personal information the Company handles. To prevent any leaks of personal information to third parties, the Company will only act if we can confirm the identity of the individual lodging a complaint or making an enquiry, upon which appropriate and swift action will be taken. -
Continuous Improvement
The Company will establish and maintain an internal system to manage personal information appropriately. A director in charge of personal information protection will be appointed, and each Company division will have a personal information management officer who reports to the director. We will establish, implement, maintain and continuously improve a personal information protection management system in accordance with the Japan Industrial Standard (JIS) Personal Information Protection Management Systems – Requirements (JIS Q 15001:2006).
Specified Personal Information Policy
Mandom Corporation ("the Company") will take the following actions in view of our full awareness of the importance of managing and protecting specified personal information (individual number card information).
- Company name
Mandom Corporation -
Compliance with relevant legislation, guidelines and regulations
With respect to personal information involving the Individual Number Card of Japan, the Company will comply with all relevant legislation, guidelines set by the Japanese Government and other applicable norms. -
Establishment of corporate system regarding security management
With respect to security management of specified and other personal information, the Company will adopt “Rules on the Handling of Specified Personal Information” and establish a corporate management system to handle the said personal information. -
Implementation and continuous improvement of security management
The Company will implement and continuously improve fully appropriate measures in order to comply with company regulations and take proper actions with regard to the acquisition, use, storage, supply, deletion and disposal of specified personal information. -
The Company will provide a contact for enquiries about specified personal information in the General Administration Division. We will make appropriate and swift response to any such enquiry. -
Contact for specified personal information enquiries
General Administration Division, Mandom Corporation
5-12, Juniken-cho, Chuo-ku, Osaka 540-8530, Japan
Phone: +81-6-6767-5001
9:00 - 17:35 (Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays)
Social Media Policy
We at the Mandom Group have adopted a Social Media Policy with which we will comply in our operation and management of the official social media accounts and in the use of social media by Mandom Group employees.
Purpose of use of social media
We at the Mandom Group will strive to enhance corporate value by communicating Mandom Group information through social media so that as many consumers and stakeholders as possible can get to know about the Mandom Group and our products. At the same time, we will respond with sincerity to comments received and feed them back into our corporate activities. -
Awareness and readiness when using social media
We at the Mandom Group are aware that once information is published, it cannot be retracted completely, and therefore, we will, in line with the following policy, always use social media scrupulously with high ethical standards and sense of responsibility.- In addition to laws and social norms, we will comply with the Mandom Group KohDoh Practices.
- We will be fully aware of and understand the special nature of the Internet and the power of influence wielded by the social media we use. We will pay meticulous attention to the content and expression used in the information we communicate so that we do not cause misunderstanding or damage to parties concerned.
- We will pay meticulous attention to avoid infringement of copyright and other intellectual property rights, portrait rights or privacy.
- We will pay meticulous attention so as not to disclose or leak any confidential information belonging to the Mandom Group or our stakeholders.
- We will handle personal information appropriately in compliance with the Law for the Protection of Computer-Processed Personal Data Held by Administrative Organs as well as Mandom's Specified Personal Information Policy and Privacy Policy.
- We will take care to avoid becoming totally absorbed by social media use and let normal work suffer in any way.
Caution regarding the use of social media operated by the Mandom Group
If any of the descriptions listed below apply to contributions such as posts or comments on social media operated and managed by the Mandom Group, we may delete or take any other necessary measures on the information or content posted by the user without notifying the user.- Contributions that cause or have the risk of causing inconvenience, disadvantage or damage to the Mandom Group, other users or a third party
- Contributions that are irrelevant to the Mandom Group's social media channels
- Contributions that include illegal information or content that undermines public order and standards of decency
- Other contributions that the Mandom Group deems inappropriate in the context of the Mandom Group's social medial operations
Message to our consumers and users
Please note that the information communicated through social media by the Mandom Group and our employees are not necessarily all official announcements from the Mandom Group or expression of our official views.
All official announcements are made on the Mandom Group website and by news releases.
R&D Policy
We at the Mandom Group have adopted the following R&D Policy and will implement it so that we can always pursue the development of original technology from our Only One stance. We will create product value that delivers OYAKUDACHI to the 1 billion global population.
- We will focus our entire research on creating new value in health, cleanliness, beauty and fun for our consumers and will pursue R&D activities that result in innovation.
- We will always take consumer "wants" as our starting point and think outside the box so that we can be bold and uninhibited by accepted knowledge or preconception to pursue R&D that creates new value.
- We will conduct human-oriented R&D that focuses on human sensibilities and the Mandom commitment to OYAKUDACHI so that we can pursue product proposals that fill our consumers' daily lives with discovery and excitement.
- We will not only comply with law but will engage in R&D that values our relationship of trust with all stakeholders and fulfills our social responsibility.
- We will conduct R&D that aims to achieve both the enhancement of consumer value and the solutions of social issues. We will strive to provide product labeling and information that are appropriate and easy to understand so that we can offer products of reassurance and safety to our consumers.
Production Policy
We at the Mandom Group have adopted the following Production Policy in order to engage steadily in the safe and reliable manufacture of products for our consumers using the most up-to-date skills and technology.
- We will consider it our duty to manufacture high quality products consistently in a timely manner in accordance with the Mandom Group Quality Assurance Policy and will implement product creation that delivers reassurance and reliability.
- We will engage in constantly improving waste reduction, resource conservation and energy efficiency in accordance with the Mandom Group Environment Policy and Fukusaki Factory Environment Policy and will ensure that our manufacturing facility is kind to the community, our employees and the environment.
- We will conduct risk assessment and take safety measures in accordance with the Mandom Group Occupational Health and Safety Policy and create a manufacturing facility that provides a safe and reassuring working environment.
- We will research the most up-to-date techniques and technologies and ensure all production facilities engage in learning activities systematically and thereby build up a Mandom Group production system that is equipped with a high standard of skills and technologies.
Sales Policy
We at the Mandom Group have adopted the following Marketing Policy so that we can deliver more OYAKUDACHI to our consumers and achieve long-term mutual prosperity with our trading partners.
- We will strive to propose attractive products and services that are created from the consumer's perspective and engage in marketing activities that maximize the success at our contact point with consumers. We will also strive to deploy a sales system that can effectively address consumer trends so that we can continue delivering OYAKUDACHI to as many consumers as possible throughout the world.
- We will focus on what consumers need and want in our sales and merchandising activities and we will collaborate closely with trading partners so that we can deliver more OYAKUDACHI to consumers, which is the shared goal with our trading partners as well as building a partnership of trust and ensuring long-term mutual prosperity with our trading partners.
- We will comply with laws and social norms in every single activity we undertake so that we can continue faithfully in our integrity towards society and we will always uphold a strong sense of social decency, adhering strictly to fair and transparent competition and business transactions.
International Business Policy
We at the Mandom Group have adopted the following International Business Policy to engage in business activities that respect the history and culture of different countries and the ideas and customs of their people.
- We strive to understand the way local consumers think, and what their customs and lifestyles are like, and create and provide products that they want, so that we can provide comfortable lifestyles to our local consumers.
- We want to be a company that is trusted by the local community. We will promote localization of management as well as workers. We strive to engage in activities that contribute to the development of the local economy and become good corporate citizens of the local community.
- We will comply with laws and social norms of each country and region as well as internationally accepted laws and norms. We will strive to fully understand and respect culture, customs and history of individual countries and regions and conduct activities that contribute to the development of the local community.
BCP Policy
Mandom Corporation ("the Company") has adopted the following Basic Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Policy regarding the creation and operation of the Company's business continuity plan aimed at ensuring, maintaining and enhancing the Company's business continuity capability.
- We will engage in activities while putting top priority on the safety of the Company's directors, employees and their families and will protect their employment.
- We will not disrupt the supply of important products that play key roles in social responsibility and our responsibility in customer supply.
- We will make contributions to the local community.
- We will engage in continuous improvement activities and strive to maintain and enhance the Company's business continuity capability.