Respect for Human Rights
Human Rights Policy
We at the Mandom Group recognize that our business activities must only exist on the basis of our respect
for human rights.
We have adopted and will implement the following Human Rights Policy so that we can promote action in
respect of the human rights of all Mandom employees and their families, trading partners and all others
involved in the supply chain as well as production operations upstream, consumers and all other stakeholders
relating to the Mandom Group.
Basic Stance on Human Rights
We support and respect international norms relating to human rights including the International Bill of Human Rights stipulated by the United Nations on the basic human rights of all people, the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
As a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, the Company supports the ten basic principles of the Compact.
The Mandom Group will comply with the laws of the nations and regions where we conduct our business activities. If laws or rules in the nations or regions conflict with the international principles on human rights, we will comply with the local laws while pursing methods of respecting the internationally accepted basic human rights principles. -
Respect of Stakeholder Human Rights and Promotion of Diversity
We respect all the diverse values, individualities and privacy of stakeholders relating to our corporate activities as we promote diversity.
We will not discriminate under any circumstance against any person on reasons of race, nationality, ethnicity, sex, age, origin, religion, education, physical characteristics, disability, health condition, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
We will strive to create a workplace environment where employees can work safely with reassurance, energy and in full mental and physical health, where there is mutual trust and where common sense prevails.
We will eliminate any discrimination, violence or harassment in the workplace. -
Due Diligence in the Supply Chain
We will follow the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and identify the negative impact on human rights relating to the business conducted by the Mandom Group and will engage in action that prevents or reduces such negative impact.
If due diligence action on human rights uncovers any occurrence or furtherance of negative impact on human rights, we will strive to take appropriate and effective remedial action.
If our products or services are directly linked to a negative impact on human rights due to our trading partnerships, we recognize the possible need to take corrective action. -
Dialog and Discussion with Stakeholders
In our activities relating to negative impact on business and human rights, we will engage experts from outside the Company and we will provide opportunities and engage in dialog and discussion with relevant stakeholders, with respect and sincerity. -
Reporting System
Any employee recognizing the possibility of violation of laws and rules that apply in the countries and regions of our operation or the infringement of human rights rules and other in-house regulations can use the internal reporting system to report such violations.
We also have set up a reporting contact where external stakeholder can report any violation of our Human Rights Policy or any risk of violation. -
Education and Training
We will deliver continuous education to employees so that correct knowledge about respect for human rights can be fully diffused and understood throughout the Mandom Group. -
Information Disclosure
We will disclose the progress and results of our human rights actions on the Company website and through other means.
Promoting Human Rights Education
At Mandom we are working to promote human rights awareness through ongoing employee education and will integrate into the Mandom Group Code of Conduct (2018 revised version).
- We shall respect the basic human rights of everybody.
- Under no circumstance shall we discriminate against anybody for their nationality, race, ethnicity, religion, color of skin, age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, health condition, physical disability or employment status. Should we detect any discrimination, we shall not turn a blind eye.
- We shall not discriminate against anybody or anything on the grounds of preconception or prejudice.
- We shall not force anybody to follow our own personal beliefs or preferences.
- We shall refrain absolutely from any use of child labor, the employment of children who are under the minimum working age.
- We shall refrain absolutely from any use of forced labor, the illegal extraction of labor by means of physical or psychological constraint.
- We shall comply with treaties and laws that prohibit child labor and forced labor.
- We shall create working conditions which are conducive to work, taking into account health and safety.
- We shall produce ways of working which develop individual capability and respect diversity, personality and individuality so that we can enhance the power of individual members to the strength of the entire team.
- Placing top priority on human life, we shall comply with laws and rules concerning working conditions/industrial health and safety.
- We shall positively implement measures such as creating a safety-first environment and ensuring reasonable working hours.
- We shall actively participate in efforts to maintain and promote health.
- If any accidents or other problems relating to our product occur, we shall promptly respond to such a situation.
- We shall speak and act with consideration from other people's point of view.
- We shall not engage in sexual harassment (any sexual acts that go against somebody else's will).
- We shall not engage in power harassment (any harassment using some advantage of business position in and out of the office).
- We shall not engage in maternity harassment (any unfair treatment for pregnancy or childbirth).
- We shall not engage in other harassment such as social harassment(infringements of privacy or nuisances involving social networks) and alcohol harassment(for example, forcing of participation in drinking parties, forcing of drinking down a jug of beer in one go).
- Should we detect any harassment, we shall not turn a blind eye.
Creating an Environment Enabling Participation by Diverse Human Resources
At Mandom we promote activities that foster a culture which values diversity and difference, not only by
utilizing female employees, but also exploiting a variety of highly individual, diverse capabilities, and
embracing employees with foreign nationality.
Human rights and labor practices are closely related
issues. We are trying to build an organizational system that embodies diversity and inclusion in order to
retain workers of diverse attributes and value systems, and enable them to reach their full potential.
Recent data that includes figures for women in management positions and the employment of people with
disabilities and non-Japanese employees can be found below.
Due Diligence
We have been promoting inter-departmental CSR activities since setting up a CSR Promotion Committee
(currently Sustainability Promotion Committee) in 2015.
At the Sustainability Promotion Committee we
have set forth the issue of building and implementing a CSR procurement system. We are working to develop a
CSR procurement system that takes into account issues in the supply chain such as human rights, labor
practices, the environment, and fair business practices, while enlisting the cooperation of trading
Fair Operating Practices
Regarding fair operating practices, with the shared goal of sustainable social development, we will build good relationships with our suppliers and partners and fulfill our social responsibilities through our business activities.
Toward Fair and Transparent Transactions
Mandom established the Antimonopoly Act Compliance Program back in July 2004, to establish fair and
transparent business transactions and build stable relationships of trust as a good partner to all with whom
we are engaged. Since we revised the program, our legal affairs office has held seminars for the sales
division and purchasing department, and the purchasing department also participates in outside seminars
related to purchasing and procurement to acquire greater knowledge.
In addition, group training is
given annually to all employees as a means of reinforcing and confirming their understanding of Mandom
KohDoh Practices. Several times a year, training is conducted through meetings and other gatherings of each
section or division, using training materials distributed. The MP News carries articles on KohDoh Practices
to enhance understanding, and employees are encouraged to read these in their own time.
Since September 2007 the Mandom Group has been expanding the scope of its Helpline System to include business partners. See below for more details.