Editorial Policy/Guidelines (Content Index)
GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards Content Index

The Mandom Sustainability Information website has been developed in accordance with the Core option of the
GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) Sustainability Reporting Standards. To provide the active information
disclosure expected and demanded by our diverse, wide-range of stakeholders, we are posting information
and data on items other than the Core, to the extent it can be aggregated at the present time. For
details, please see the following index of content.
GRI 400 Social
- GRI 401(2016):Employment
- GRI 402(2016):Labor/Management Relations
- GRI 403(2018):Occupational Health and Safety
- GRI 404(2016):Training and Education
- GRI 405(2016):Diversity and Equal Opportunity
- GRI 406(2016):Non-discrimination
- GRI 407(2016):Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
- GRI 408(2016):Child Labor
- GRI 409(2016):Forced or Compulsory Labor
- GRI 410(2016):Security Practices
- GRI 411(2016):Rights of Indigenous Peoples
- GRI 412(2016):Human Rights Assessment
- GRI 413(2016):Local Communities
- GRI 414(2016):Supplier Social Assessment
- GRI 415(2016):Public Policy
- GRI 416(2016):Customer Health and Safety
- GRI 417(2016):Marketing and Labeling
- GRI 418(2016):Customer Privacy
- GRI 419(2016):Socioeconomic Compliance
GRI 401(2016):Employment
401-1 | New employee hires and employee turnover |
Website Sustainability Sustainability Data |
402-2 | Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employees |
The same system is in place for both regular and irregular employees regarding ⅰ, ⅱ, ⅲ, ⅳ, and ⅵ. The system for ⅴ is only provided for regular employees. |
401-3 | Parental leave |
Website Sustainability Sustainability Data |
GRI 402(2016):Labor/Management Relations
402-1 | Minimum notice periods regarding operational changes |
There are no fixed rules in terms of labor agreements. However, notification is normally provided one month beforehand. |
GRI 403(2018):Occupational Health and Safety
403-1 | Occupational health and safety management system |
Website Sustainability Society(S)/Connecting with Employees/Well-Being Management/The concept and approach of each Wellness STEP/Wellness STEP1: Occupational safety and health |
403-2 | Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident investigation |
Website Sustainability Society(S)/Connecting with Employees/Well-Being Management/The concept and approach of each Wellness STEP/Wellness STEP1: Occupational safety and health |
403-3 | Occupational health services |
Website Sustainability Society(S)/Connecting with Employees/Well-Being Management/The concept and approach of each Wellness STEP/Wellness STEP1: Occupational safety and health |
403-4 | Worker participation, consultation, and communication on occupational health and safety |
Website Sustainability Society(S)/Connecting with Employees/Well-Being Management/The concept and approach of each Wellness STEP/Wellness STEP1: Occupational safety and health |
403-5 | Worker training on occupational health and safety |
Website Sustainability Society(S)/Connecting with Employees/Well-Being Management/The concept and approach of each Wellness STEP/Wellness STEP1: Occupational safety and health |
403-6 | Promotion of worker health |
Website Sustainability Society(S)/Connecting with Employees/Well-Being Management/The concept and approach of each Wellness STEP/Wellness STEP1: Occupational safety and health |
403-7 | Prevention and mitigation of occupational health and safety impacts directly linked by business relationships |
- |
403-8 | Workers covered by an occupational health and safety management system |
Website Sustainability Society(S)/Connecting with Employees/Well-Being Management/The concept and approach of each Wellness STEP/Wellness STEP1: Occupational safety and health Sustainability Data |
403-9 | Work-related injuries |
Website Sustainability Society(S)/Connecting with Employees/Well-Being Management/The concept and approach of each Wellness STEP/Wellness STEP1: Occupational safety and health Sustainability Data |
403-10 | Work-related ill health |
Website Sustainability Society(S)/Connecting with Employees/Well-Being Management/The concept and approach of each Wellness STEP/Wellness STEP1: Occupational safety and health Sustainability Data |
GRI 404(2016):Training and Education
404-1 | Average hours of training per year per employee |
Information unavailable |
404-2 | Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs |
Website Sustainability Society(S)/Connecting with Employees/Talent Management / Talent Development/Personnel affair system reform |
404-3 | Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews |
Periodic reviews are conducted for all employees. |
GRI 405(2016):Diversity and Equal Opportunity
405-1 | Diversity of governance bodies and employees |
Website Sustainability Sustainability Data |
405-2 | Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men |
Website IR information Annual Securities Report(Japanese Only) |
GRI 406(2016):Non-discrimination
406-1 | Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken |
None during the period |
GRI 407(2016):Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
407-1 | Operations and suppliers in which the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at risk |
Website Sustainability Society (S)/Connecting with Suppliers/CSR Procurement Self-Assessment Aggregate Results Society (S)/Connecting with Suppliers/Mandom Group Supplier CSR Guidelines |
GRI 408(2016):Child Labor
408-1 | Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of child labor |
Website Sustainability Society (S)/Connecting with Suppliers/CSR Procurement Self-Assessment Aggregate Results Society (S)/Connecting with Suppliers/Mandom Group Supplier CSR Guidelines |
GRI 409(2016):Forced or Compulsory Labor
409-1 | Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory labor |
Website Sustainability Society (S)/Connecting with Suppliers/CSR Procurement Self-Assessment Aggregate Results Society (S)/Connecting with Suppliers/Mandom Group Supplier CSR Guidelines |
GRI 410(2016):Security Practices
410-1 | Security personnel trained in human rights policies or procedures |
None during the period |
GRI 411(2016):Rights of Indigenous Peoples
411-1 | Incidents of violations involving rights of indigenous peoples |
None during the period |
GRI 412(2016):Human Rights Assessment
412-1 | Operations that have been subject to human rights reviews or impact assessments |
None during the period |
412-2 | Employee training on human rights policies or procedures |
Website Sustainability Society (S)/Respect for Human Rights/ Promoting Human Rights Education |
412-3 | Significant investment agreements and contracts that include human rights clauses or that underwent human rights screening |
None during the period |
GRI 413(2016):Local Communities
413-1 | Operations with local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs |
Website Sustainability Society (S)/Connecting with Society/Area-based Social Initiatives/Fukusaki Factory Initiatives Environment (E)/Pollution Prevention Environment (E)/Formation of a Recycling-Oriented Society/Reducing Waste Environment (E)/Formation of a Recycling-Oriented Society/Water-saving efforts at the Fukusaki Factory |
413-2 | Operations with significant actual and potential negative impacts on local communities |
None during the period |
GRI 414(2016):Supplier Social Assessment
414-1 | New suppliers that were screened using social criteria |
At Mandom, we are selecting suppliers based on Procurement Guidelines.In addition, we have published
Supplier CSR Guidelines since FY2016, and are seeking the understanding and cooperation from both
new and existing suppliers. Website Sustainability Society(S)/Connecting with Suppliers/CSR Procurement Self-Assessment Aggregate Results |
414-2 | Negative social impacts in the supply chain and actions taken |
Website Sustainability Society(S)/Connecting with Suppliers/CSR Procurement Self-Assessment Aggregate Results Society(S)/Connecting with Suppliers/CSR Procurement Self-Assessment Aggregate Results/Mandom Group Supplier CSR Guidelines |
GRI 415(2016):Public Policy
415-1 | Political contributions |
- |
GRI 416(2016):Customer Health and Safety
416-1 | Assessment of the health and safety impacts of product and service categories |
Website Sustainability Society(S)/Connecting with Consumers/Approach to Product Safety and Reliability Society(S)/Connecting with Consumers/Promotion of Quality Assurance System Society(S)/Connecting with Consumers/Communication with Customers |
416-2 | Incidents of non-compliance concerning the health and safety impacts of products and services |
None during the period |
GRI 417(2016):Marketing and Labeling
417-1 | Requirements for product and service information and labeling |
Website Sustainability Society(S)/Connecting with Consumers/Communication with Customers Society(S)/Connecting with Consumers/Promotion of Quality Assurance System |
417-2 | Incidents of non-compliance concerning product and service information and labeling |
None during the period |
417-3 | Incidents of non-compliance concerning marketing communications |
None during the period |
GRI 418(2016):Customer Privacy
418-1 | Substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data |
None during the period |
GRI 419(2016):Socioeconomic Compliance
419-1 | Non-compliance with laws and regulations in the social and economic area |
None during the period |