Well-Being Management
The concept of health & productivity management
For the Mandom Group to create new value, it is essential not only to acquire and develop human assets with diverse individuality and strengths but also to create an environment in which these human assets can perform to their full potential. In particular, we believe that the mental, physical, and social health (well-being) of our employees is of particular importance in creating new value. For this reason, the Mandom Group defines a series of initiatives to eliminate employee health-related concerns and create an enriched and fulfilling work environment as the Mandom Group's “health & productivity management,” and it will promote this “health & productivity management” to achieve employee well-being.
Basic health & productivity management policy
At the Mandom Group, we keep in mind our Group HR mission, “Happy individuals make a happy company,” and believe that the safety and security of our employees and their families must be the foundation of our company's management in order for our diverse human assets to stay vibrant in their daily work and be able to fully demonstrate their individual performance. To this end, we aim to enrich the work and lives of our employees by ensuring a safe, hygienic, and healthy environment and creating a workplace in which they can be physically, mentally and socially fulfilled and at ease. We view “health & productivity management” as an investment in the future of our human assets, and as part of our human capital management, we are taking steps toward realizing well-being (Wellness STEPs).
Promotion steps for health & productivity management (Wellness STEP)
At the Mandom Group, we divide our health & productivity management initiatives into a five-step journey, from laying the foundation of health to Dedication to Service (Oyakudachi) for our consumers and creating new value for the company. Through these steps, we aim to increase the engagement of each employee, achieve well-being, and improve the company's performance and corporate value.
Five Wellness STEPs

Reference:Mirai wo Kizuku, Kenko-keiei (Building the Future with Health & Productivity Management) by Kenko-keiei Kenkyukai (NPO), July 19, 2021
Health & productivity management promotion system
The Mandom Group has appointed the President Executive Officer (Group CEO) as the person responsible for overseeing health & productivity management throughout the Group. We are building a system that enables companies in Japan and overseas to work together to promote health & productivity management initiatives from a Group perspective.
In addition, Mandom joined the Health & Productivity Management Alliance, which was established in June 2023 with the aim to “design a model for H&PM, co-create solutions to make it work, and implement them in the industrial world,” and has begun activities aimed at co-creating a model for H&PM and co-producing results through sharing the initiatives of participating companies. This allows us to quickly catch up on previous cases and the latest information on health & productivity management from participating companies, creating an environment where we can collaborate with other companies in a timely, speedy manner.
Mandom Group’s health & productivity management promotion system chart

Mandom’s health & productivity management strategy map
At Mandom, we aim to promote health & productivity management by working to achieve wellness and Dedication to Service (Oyakudachi) through the following initiatives, thereby embodying “Happy individuals make a happy company.”
■Wellness STEP1: Occupational safety and health
In STEP 1, we aim to create an environment that not only ensures both the physical and mental health and safety of employees but also improves employee health through initiatives based on industrial safety and health activities in compliance with laws and regulations. Mandom is undertaking the following initiatives.
Establishment of an Occupational Health and Safety Committee
At Mandom, we strive every day to ensure the safety and health of employees in the workplace, and, beyond that, to promote the creation of a pleasant workplace environment. We do this by promoting comprehensive, systematic measures to prevent occupational accidents based on the Labor Standards Act, Industrial Safety and Health Act, and occupational safety and health regulations. To promote efforts to realize our objectives, an Occupational Health and Safety Committee has been established, chaired by the Executive Officer of the Human Resources Division. This committee is working to strengthen our occupational health and safety management system.

Creating a Healthy and Safe Workplace Environment at Our Factory
Mandom's Fukusaki Factory has acquired ISO45001 certification, a widely used international standard for occupational health and safety management systems, and we are working hard to create a healthy and safe workplace environment. ISO45001 international standard aims to proactively prevent labor accidents, mitigate disasters and eliminate health hazard risks by clarifying the occupational health and safety policies of organizations, and conducting PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Action) management using an "established evaluation system."
Going forward we will continue working hard to ensure that operations at Mandom's Fukusaki Factory take into account consumers, society, the environment, and employees. This will be achieved by striving for continuous operation and synergistic effects, and implementing three management systems: an occupational health and safety management system; an environmental management system (ISO 14001 international standard) which aims to simultaneously achieve management together with reduction in environmental risk and contribution to the environment based on the idea of sustainability; and the Mandom Quality Management System for raising the quality of the company, products, and services, and achieving true customer satisfaction.
Group training at the Fukusaki Factory on occupational health and safety and environmental protection
Fukusaki Factory collective learning is directed to all employees working at Fukusaki Factory. The Factory stops production on the day of collective learning. Basic themes of the event are "safety," "quality," and "environment," which are the key elements of factory operation. The employees review the background, facts, information about actual incidents to be shared among them and reconfirm relevant rules and compliance with them. In combination with the companywide education in confidentiality, KohDoh practice, etc., collective learning serves to nurture a culture of good compliance. Once a year, we creat an educational video and show employees without access to PCs in their daily roles. Those with access to a PC view the video on their own within a set period of time.

Establishment of Mandom Group Safety and Reliability Day
In solemn recognition of the seriousness of the fire accident at consolidated Subsidiary, PT Mandom Indonesia Tbk which occurred on July 10, 2015, we will refer to the measures to prevent recurrence advocated in the final report by the Accident Investigation and Response Committee, and make continual efforts to ensure safety and reliability in our business activities so that this sort of accident never recurs in the future.
Based on the idea of putting safety first, we are working to prevent recurrence in all our projects and at all of our manufacturing sites, but in order to take this accident as a major lesson and prevent any fading of its memory, we have established July 10 of every year as the Safety and Reliability Day of the Mandom Group. On this day, we will offer our wishes in memoriam of the victims of the accident, and diligently review safety and reliability throughout our group. It is not just machinery at manufacturing sites or workplaces handling hazardous materials that may pose a risk to safety and reliability.
Safety problems may be present even at non-manufacturing workplaces such as offices or sales facilities. Therefore, on Safety and Reliability Day, all of our employees will observe a moment of silence, and during that week, each workplace will consider and discuss risks to safety and reliability. The content of these activities will be planned by the Total Risk Management Committee, and then applied to organizations relating to each issue or countermeasure.
Regarding Fire Accident at Consolidated Subsidiary, PT Mandom Indonesia Tbk
Mandom Corporation would like to offer prayers and condolences to the bereaved families of the local employees who lost their lives due to the fire that occurred at our consolidated subsidiary, PT Mandom Indonesia Tbk on July 10, 2015. We hope that the souls of the deceased will rest in peace and that the injured local staff makes swift recovery. We are deeply sorry for the inconveniences and concerns that we have caused many of our stakeholders and neighboring communities.
■Wellness STEP2: Promoting mental and physical
In STEP 2, we aim to raise employee awareness toward health so that we may encourage active engagement in and create a foundation for well-being management. To achieve this goal, we will place particular emphasis on eliminating "presenteeism" among employees and work with industrial physicians and public health nurses to implement comprehensive initiatives aimed at improving the health literacy of our employees. The main initiatives in STEP 2 are listed below.
Initiatives to reduce long working hours
Mandom particularly regards the rectification of long working hours as one of the material issues that can help improve the quality of employee health. It has been found that long working hours have in fact become the norm for some employees. Mandom believes that avoiding long working hours and ensuring sufficient sleep will reduce presenteeism among individual employees, thereby improving work productivity. We also believe that by using the time freed by reducing working hours for further learning and reskilling, we can contribute to improving the job satisfaction and sense of purpose in life for each employee.
Therefore, regarding long working hours, we have set a target of "reducing the average monthly overtime hours for all full-time employees (including managers) to 10 hours or less by FY 2027," and we are working toward achieving this goal.
Recent initiatives include the following:
- - Monthly reporting of performance data related to overtime hours at higher-level meetings in order to involve management in promoting efforts to reduce overtime hours
- - Having general managers take the lead in identifying issues and implementing solutions to reduce overtime work in their respective divisions, taking into account division-specific characteristics, including peak and off-peak periods
Other frameworks and initiatives for "promoting mental and physical health"
FY 2023 results
Health checks | Periodic health checks are conducted for all employees and thorough physical examinations are recommended for employees and spouses over the age of 35, with subsidies provided. We pay the full amounts for general health checks and up to 45,000 yen for thorough physical examinations at medical facilities. |
Frequency: Once a year General health checks: July to November Physical examinations at medical facilities: June to December Please refer to the Mandom Group human asset data for rates of employees receiving consultations. |
Initiatives for those with high stress levels based on stress check results | We conduct stress checks in cooperation with EAP (Employee Assistance Program) organizations and provide feedback on the results to employees. In addition, in cooperation with industrial physicians and public health nurses, we compile and analyze by department the results in an anonymous manner. Through this practice, employees who are deemed to be under high stress are encouraged to see an industrial physician or public health nurse, helping to reduce presenteeism. |
Frequency: Once a year (September) Please refer to the Mandom Group human asset data for rates of employees receiving consultations. |
Working with industrial physicians and public health nurses | An industrial physician makes the rounds at the head office and Fukusaki Factory, joins the Occupational Health and Safety Committee meetings held once a month to improve the workplace and provide health guidance. In addition, in order to prevent employees from becoming seriously ill, a public health nurse, who has been employed at the head office since FY2021, has provided health guidance and other health support in collaboration with the industrial physician at the head office. |
Frequency: As required 3 industrial physicians (Head Office, Nihonbashi/Aoyama, Fukusaki Factory) 1 public health nurse (Head Office) Health guidance to be provided (either in person or online) by the industrial physician and the public health nurse at the head office |
Subsidies for influenza vaccinations | To prevent the spread of influenza epidemics each year and to support the health management of employees and their families, we offer a fixed subsidy for the vaccination cost as part of our health insurance association's influenza vaccination assistance program. |
Frequency: Once a year (between October and January) |
Subsidies for health maintenance costs through the "Do Sports System" | We provide subsidies of up to 4,000 yen per sporting event with the aim of promoting the physical and mental health of employees through sports, reducing presenteeism by releasing stress, deepening mutual understanding among employees, and contributing to the creation of a healthy working environment. |
Frequency: Whenever necessary *Up to six times per year per person (up to 12 times per year for sports gyms) |
Smoking Rate Reduction Measures | We aim to reduce the smoking rate in the Company by prohibiting smoking on the company premises during standard working hours, except during break time, and by supporting employees with medical fees for smoking cessation clinics. | Frequency: As required |
Medical treatment and work support | So that employees can continue to work with peace of mind even while undergoing medical treatment, we have published the Medical Treatment and Work Guidebook that outlines our various support systems, and we have also set up a consultation desk. | Frequency: As required |
For more information on our initiative results regarding well-being management, please also see below.
■Wellness STEP3: Ease of work
STEP 3 is linked to "practicing the autonomous and collaborative workstyle," one of the perspectives of the Mandom Group's human capital management. We believe that by not only focusing on the physical health of employees but also on building an environment with an open atmosphere in which employees can proactively communicate with each other, we can create a workplace environment that establishes and maintains psychological safety for each and every employee. To create such a comfortable working environment, Mandom is taking the initiatives listed below.
Sharing the Mandom Mission in order to cultivate an atmosphere full of Freedom & Open-Mindedness
The MANDOM SPIRIT of the Mandom Group's mission includes "Freedom & Open-Mindedness," and we place importance on employees being able to speak up, think and act freely in a supportive culture that is not bound by hierarchical relationships. An environment that ensures psychological safety so that each and every employee can thrive is one of our priorities. To that end, we hold mission co-creation workshops every year with the aim of ensuring that employees correctly understand and empathize with the Mandom Mission and are able to base their actions and ideas on it. For details on these initiatives, please refer to the "Share and Practice of Mandom Group’s Mission" page.
Stimulating communication within the company
Mandom is taking on a variety of initiatives to foster relationships among employees that inspire collaborations by creating opportunities within the company for communication between employees and providing an environment that ensures psychological safety. For details on these initiatives to stimulate communication, please refer to the "Autonomous and Collaborative Workstyle" page.
Support for balancing work with childrearing/elderly care
To support employees in balancing their work and life events such as childbirth, childrearing and elderly care, Mandom goes above and beyond initiatives based on statutory measures to introduce systems and policies aimed at creating an environment in which each employee can continue to work with peace of mind without being hindered by these life events.
We also believe that by fostering an environment that is encouraging and accepting of employees taking advantage of these systems and policies, we can ensure psychological safety in the workplace and contribute to stimulating and realizing smoother communication among employees so as to stimulate collaborations.
As an example, Mandom has implemented three-party prenatal interviews participated in by pregnant employees, their supervisors, and Human Resources Div. personnel since 2009 to eliminate anxiety in employees regarding returning to work after giving birth. In addition, in response to the growing desire for involvement in childrearing among male employees in recent years, we have also been conducting prenatal interviews since 2019 for male employees whose spouses are expecting, with the aim of promoting understanding of our childbirth and childrearing support systems.
For details on systems and initiatives to support the balancing of work with childrearing/elderly care, please refer to the table below.
For information on general employer action plan based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children, please see the following website operated by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

We are also working to create a workplace culture in Japan that promotes work-life balance and encourages men to be actively engaged in childcare. Toward this end, in fiscal 2015 we began participating in two Japanese government programs and launched tie-in campaigns within the company. The two campaigns are: the Change! JPN Campaign run by the Office for Work-Life Balance of the Cabinet Office and the Ikumen Project run by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
This campaign calls upon all employees to reduce overtime work and fully adopt the practice of taking a day off in lieu of each national holiday that falls on a Sunday, as well as using all annual paid leave.
Change! JPN Campaign (Japanese only)The Ikumen Project calls upon all employees to create a workplace culture that makes it easy for men to take childcare leave. As one of Mandom's specialties is men's cosmetics, we feel a particular need to support the concept of "cool dads".
Ikumen Project (Japanese only)■Wellness STEP4: Meaningful work
For a company to continue to create new value, it is essential that all of its employees produce their best results by demonstrating their individuality and strengths. To this end, we believe that increasing the "Work Engagement" of each and every employee is key. Therefore, in STEP 4, we aim to create an environment in which employees can actively engage in their own work, find their work meaningful, experience a sense of fulfillment, and thrive.
Promoting delegation of authority
For Mandom to navigate through VUCA conditions and stay innovative in order to further expand its Dedication to Service (Oyakudachi), delegation of authority is absolutely necessary in creating an environment in which all employees can autonomously carry out their jobs and take on a variety of challenges. For this reason, Mandom, from the perspective of improving the job satisfaction of each and every employee, actively promotes the delegation of authority.
For details on our efforts regarding the delegation of authority, as well as other specific systems and efforts to improve Wellness STEP 3: Ease of work and STEP 4: Engaging work, please also refer to the "Autonomous and Collaborative Workstyle" page.
■Wellness STEP5: Raison d'etre
At the Mandom Group, we believe that by promoting initiatives from STEP 1: Industrial safety and health to STEP 4: Engaging work, we can assure the physical, mental, and social well-being of each and every employee. Furthermore, in the approaching "100-year lifespan era," we believe it is important for people to find meaningfulness in not only their work but also throughout their lives. Taking this perspective of "meaningful life" into account, we will continue to evolve our initiatives at each STEP.