Important Sustainability Issues (Materiality)
Material Issue 5 Sustainable procurement of raw materials
We will procure palm oil, paper, etc. ethically. Our action ranges from protection of forests and biodiversity to execution of corporate social responsibility by sustaining natural and labor environments and respecting human rights throughout all supply chains.

At the Mandom Group, we will follow the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and identify the negative impact on human rights relating to the business conducted by the Company and will engage in action that prevents or reduces such negative impact. If due diligence action on human rights uncovers any occurrence or furtherance of negative impact on human rights, we will strive to take appropriate and effective remedial action.
If our products or services are directly linked to a negative impact on human rights due to our trading partnerships, we recognize the possible need to take corrective action.
Related SDGs
Procurement of Sustainable Palm Oil
Environmental and socia impacts of palm oil
Palm oil is the world‘s most produced, consumed and traded vegetable oil. It is widely used in the manufacturing of many products, from margarine to lipstick, biscuits to candles, and chocolate to laundry detergent. It is also extensively used as a biofuel and as animal feed. Palm oil is a very efficient crop and contributes to rural poverty alleviation and rural development in many regions. But its irresponsible production of palm oil has caused widespread rainforest destruction and wildlife loss, exacerbated climate change, and impacted the rights of local communities. And increasing global demand threatens more of the same.
Procurement of RSPO-certified palm oil
In FY2023, we procured RSPO-certified palm oil using a mass balance method for some raw materials that were to be used at our Fukusaki Plant, and completed the purchase of certifications using the "Book & Claim Method," an RSPO SCCS model for the total volumes of ten raw materials including the most-used one.
We plan to gradually increase our purchase of certifications for other materials in the future. For book and claim credits, we also purchased credits that support small-scale palm farmers who obtained RSPO certification.
RSPO:Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil

Please check our progress at
For more information on "sustainable palm oil procurement," please refer to the following page.
- Material Issue 1 Creating an easy-to-start grooming culture
- Material Issue 2 Expanding Dedication to Service to a diversity of consumers
- Material Issue 3 Realizing mutual growth of employees and the company
- Material Issue 4 Actions for sustainable global environment
- Material Issue 5 Sustainable procurement of raw materials
- Material Issue 6 Maintaining/enhancing the corporate base